Yearly, we conduct several workshops for internationals. The training ‘Kick-start your Career’ attracts a significant number of ambitious and skilled internationals, including Eliana Zdravkova, who were seeking career opportunities in Twente. Eliana’s partner is employed at University of Twente, and in collaboration with UT, we offer an international career programme for the partners of (highly skilled) migrants working at the UT: Dual Career Service. The programme aims to provide information, guidance, and advice to enhance the prospects of finding employment independently in the Netherlands. Eliana successfully secured a wonderful position as a Proposal Specialist at ROSEN. It is fantastic to see an increasing number of companies in the Twente region embracing the international talents we encounter daily. In partnership with The World Trade Center Twente, we will remain committed to the Twente region and dedicated to fostering the retention of its talent. Congratulations, Eliana Zdravkova!